
Our mission comes back from Katanga

Our team orthopaedics surgery comes back from a mission in Katanga at the end of the month october. They have operated on and cured so many sick children in Lubumbashi and in Kilwa. The parents and kids’ smiles are the most valuable gift they will bring back. Thanks to all of you for the hope […]

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News from our team orthopaedic surgery in Benin!

A Chain of Hope team of dokters and paramedics is currently in the Saint-Jean-de-Dieu Hospital in Tanguiéta, in Benin, where they are operating on and curing children suffering from serious malformations of the upper and lower limbs. Pictures of their long days, and encounters with sick children and their families, full of Hope…       

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News of Blanchard !

Good news: Blanchard is completely cured! After one year of scrupulous care and a journey full of developments, we are very happy to announce Blanchard will meet his family in early May. Thanks a lot for the generosity of the foster home, and to everyone who supported him during his stay and his recovery period!

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Mission in Dakar – Senegal : 30/04 – 8/05

A Chaîne de l’Espoir team will leave end of April for the Children’s Hospital Albert Royer in Dakar. Doctor Luc Schroeder, from Chaîne de l’Espoir Luxembourg, will join the mission to explore the possibilities in the ENT departement. The team is composed of: Anita Clément, director Chaîne de l’Espoir Belgique Marianne Le Marchand, project manager […]

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News from Alliance !

We are happy to share this exciting news with you: Alliance has been successfully operated on of a heart disease in UZ Gent. She is a strong girl, and quickly recovering. She has left the hospital, and spends the rest of her revalidation with her host family.          Lots of thanks to the medical […]

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Mission orthopaedic surgery in Lubumbashi : 20/05 – 5/06/2017

The next orthopaedic surgery mission will take place from May 5th 2017 until June 5th in the  “Centre de Rééducation et d’Appareillage Wote Pamoja” in Lubumbashi. The medical team, led by Dr. Greta Dereymaeker, orthopaedic surgeon: Docter Xavier Deboe, anaesthesist De heer Guido De Wachter, coordinator Mevrouw Françoise Castermans, nurse During those missions, children will […]

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Hermann is back home, and healthy!

The littel Hermann,  who was operated on thanks to  la Chaîne de l’Espoir Luxemburg, has arrived home after a happy recovery with his host family. Congratulations to our colleagues at la Chaîne de l’Espoir Luxemburg for thier “first” happy child, and their mobilisation in favor of sick children! It is a new life that starts […]

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Hermann is well and almost back home!!

Chain of Hope Belgium and Chaîne de l’Espoir Luxemburg are happy to anounce that Hermann is doing very well! This little boy from Madagascar was operated on in the Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc in Brussels and taken care of, after his operation, in Luxemburg, by  Dokter Wagner, in the pediatrics heart-department of the CHL Luxemburg. Hermann […]

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Mission in Benin, February 4th until 16th

The team led by Professor Robert Elbaum will be working on orthopaedic surgery in Benin in the month of Februari, in the Hospital of Tangiéta, North of Benin. They will meet their colleagues there for a 10 days’ mission and will operate children suffering from serious malformations. Their aim is to operate as many children […]

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Mission heart surgery in Nicaragua – 11th-20th Feb 2017

A team of doctors, anaesthesists, reanimators, nurses all specialised in children healthcare and coming from different university hospitals (Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc in Brussels, and UZ Ghent) is currently working in the La Mascota children Hospital in Managua to cure and operate children suffering from very complex heart diseases that, if left untreated, would put their […]

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Showing 11 to 20 of 26 results