Changes in our activities
The sanitary situation in Belgium has impacted our activities. Read further.
The sanitary situation in Belgium has impacted our activities. Read further.
Our teams are currently preparating our next medical missions abroad: getting all paperwork sorted out, organizing travel and accomodation, contacting hospitals and doctors abroad to ensure smooth working, preparation of all medical material… August: mission to consult children suffering from heart diseases in Kigali, Rwanda mission to support the Platform of hospistals in RDCongo: training […]
Senegal Our team is currently in Dakar Senegal, where thy carry on surgery work and training in the Albert Royer Children Hospital: long days, but the satisfaction of knowing they will have a lasting impact. Benin – March Our team is now back from an orthopaedics mission in Saint-Jean de Dieu Hospital in Dakar, […]
Our teams are preparing the next missions of Chaîne de l’Espoir Belgique abroad: administrative procedures, medical equipment, detailed programme… find us on our Facebook page in order to live through these moments as closely as possible! Senegal, Dakar, urological surgery mission A team of Chaîne de l’Espoir Belgique will go to Albert Royer Hospital from […]
Chaîne de l’Espoir is present in various countries, notably in France and Luxemburg. Chaîne de l’Espoir Belgique co-operates with Chaîne de l’Espoir France for their project of training in Dakar, Senegal With Chaîne de l’Espoir Luxemburg, we support children coming from abroad to be operated on, in Belgium and in Luxemburg, mainly for heart diseases. […]
The voluntary medical teams of la Chaîne de l’Espoir Belgique currently are carrying work in different countries: in Senegal, in the Children Hospital Albert Royer in Dakar: consultations and selection of children who will be operated on during the next orthopaedics surgery mission in October; in Benin, in the Saint-Jean-de-Dieu Hospital in Tanguiéta, NTE surgery […]
A team doctors and paramedics specialized in paediatrics are conducting a mission of heart surgery in the children’s hospital “La Mascota” in Managua. They operated children suffering from heart diseases who cannot be cured locally. At the same time, whilst working closely with their local colleagues, they make sure they stay trained and their knowledge […]
Our medical team has returned from their mission heart surgery and catheterisation in Rwanda earlier this month. All children who have been taken care of are doing good! Thank you to our voluntary medical team, to all our donators and partners who made this adventure possible. This year, Chain of Hope Belgium celebrated its 10th […]
A medical team from Chain of Hope Belgium will be present from 23/11 to 4/12 in the King Faysal Hospital in Kigali, for a mission heart surgery and catheterisation. The children who will be operated on have first been selected by the doctor who refers them to the Chain of Hope. This mission will provide […]
Doctor Damien Desmette, orthopaedics surgeon and volunteering for Chain of Hope Belgium, is currently in Senegal for a mission orthopaedics in the children hospital Albert Royer in Dakar, Senegal. During this mission, he is seeing many children in specialized consultation, and together with his colleagues, operates on sick children suffering from serious feet or hands […]